Monday, October 13, 2008

Katie and Heather Visit The World's Biggest Ball of Twine

Katie -

A couple of comments, folks. Yes, we did make it to Cawker City, Kansas to see the world's biggest ball of twine! You didn't believe us, did you? Well, we did it. Also, (and I mention this on the video), I am somewhat ashamed to admit that this was actually MY second time going there to see the Mighty Twineyness.... Oh geez.... I'm soooo weird! Did you enjoy it Heather? What are your feelings?

1 comment:

Tess said...

Number One: Cute shoes Heather! I'm glad you dressed up for the twine!
Number Two: I LOVE the Brady Bunch, too!
Number Three: Can I make a request that you make a video about how people look like animals? Pleassse!!!